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Celebrities and Their Podcast Pitfalls: Joe Rogan Weighs In

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Celebrities and Their Podcast Pitfalls: Joe Rogan Weighs In

In a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the UFC commentator took aim at celebrity podcasts, suggesting that many stars struggle to maintain their shows.

Joining him was comedian Neil Brennan, and together they delved into the challenges faced by celebrities, like , who attempt to host their own podcasts but often fall short.

Rogan pointed out that these personalities typically can't reveal their true selves, leading them to abandon their projects.

Meghan's podcast, “Archetypes,” launched about a year and a half after she and signed a deal with Spotify.

It recently aired its tenth episode, but the show has not seen the sustained success it initially enjoyed.

Rogan expressed his belief that audiences quickly grasp the authenticity of a person, stating, “That's why a lot of these celebrities that start these things, they can't keep up.

They bail, you know, like .”

While Meghan is still producing her podcast, also had a brief stint with his own show.

Rogan didn't hold back, mentioning other well-known figures like Bruce Springsteen and Barack Obama, labeling their podcast efforts as “terrible.”

His remarks aren't new; he's previously clashed with Meghan and Harry over various issues, including accusations of spreading COVID-19 misinformation.

Back in January 2022, when artists like Joni Mitchell called out Rogan for his controversial views, the Sussexes' team responded by expressing concerns directly to Spotify.

They highlighted the dangers of misinformation on the platform, insisting that changes needed to be made to protect public health.

Their statement emphasized a commitment to working with Spotify to address these issues.

Initially, Meghan's “Archetypes” podcast climbed to the top of Spotify's charts, even overtaking Rogan's show for a brief period in August 2022.

However, the tables have turned, as Rogan's podcast has reclaimed its spot at the peak, while Meghan's latest episode, titled “The Audacity of the Activist,” has slipped to number 55 in the rankings.

In her ninth episode, Meghan tackled the topic of strong-minded women being labeled as “difficult,” which some believe was a response to her own critics.

The Mail on Sunday's assistant editor suggested that this might have been Markle's way of addressing accusations of bullying, which she has consistently denied.

Meghan argued that the term “difficult” is often used to undermine assertive women.

She claimed that this label acts as a form of gaslighting for women who know what they want, asserting that while not everyone will like them, the goal should be for others to respect them.

Kate Manzi, a journalist, speculated that Meghan's discussion on dismissive labels could be a direct jab at those who have criticized her behavior.

The complexity of the situation is further heightened by the fact that two of the individuals who complained about Meghan were women themselves.

This adds layers to the narrative, making it difficult to navigate the waters of criticism and accountability.

A spokesperson for the Sussexes previously responded to allegations reported by The Times, labeling them as part of a “calculated smear campaign” filled with misleading information.

Meghan's representatives have conveyed her dismay over the latest attacks on her character, especially considering her own experiences with bullying.

They emphasized her dedication to supporting those who have faced pain and trauma, highlighting her commitment to advocacy.

As the podcast landscape continues to evolve, Rogan's critique raises questions about authenticity and sustainability in celebrity-hosted shows.

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