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Prince Harry Unveils Shocking Truth About His Role in Prince William’s Wedding

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Prince Harry Unveils Shocking Truth About His Role in Prince William’s Wedding

When it comes to royal weddings, the world has always been captivated by the pageantry and the stories behind them.

One of the most memorable moments was 's wedding to in 2011, where was thought to be the best man.

However, in a surprising twist, Harry is now revealing that this widely accepted narrative may not be entirely accurate.

In his new memoir, “Spare,” Harry challenges the long-held belief that he served as his brother's best man.

According to him, this was a fabrication orchestrated by William himself, and he felt compelled to play along with it.

The admission sheds light on the complexities of their relationship and hints at deeper family dynamics at play.

During the wedding ceremony, Harry took on the role expected of him, but he claims that the reality was quite different.

He writes, “Willie didn't want me giving a best man speech,” indicating that he was sidelined from one of the most significant duties typically expected of the best man.

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