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Biden’s Support for Prince Harry Sparks Controversy Over Visa Application

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Biden’s Support for Prince Harry Sparks Controversy Over Visa Application

In a surprising twist, President Joe Biden is facing backlash for his support of amid a contentious visa issue.

The Duke of Sussex could be staring down the barrel of deportation if it's determined that he misrepresented himself on his visa application.

This situation has ignited a heated debate about favoritism and the rules that govern immigration in the United States.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, is gearing up for a legal showdown with the Department of Homeland Security.

Their aim?

To make 's visa request public.

They argue that Harry's candid admissions about past drug use, detailed in his memoir, should have disqualified him from entering the U.S.

In his book, Harry openly discussed experimenting with substances like cocaine, marijuana, and psychedelic mushrooms.

This revelation has led the Heritage Foundation to suggest that Harry might have lied on his visa application.

The Biden administration's backing of the Duke in this matter has raised eyebrows, with critics questioning whether special treatment is being afforded to the royal.

The Department of Homeland Security weighed in, stating that releasing Harry's application documents could infringe upon his privacy rights.

In their court filings, the Heritage Foundation pointed out that Harry voluntarily disclosed his drug use for profit, seemingly flaunting his past while ignoring the potential immigration consequences.

Critics argue that such admissions could be seen as promoting illegal drug use, especially given the serious implications they carry for non-citizens.

Neil Gardner, the director at the Margaret Thatcher Freedom Center, expressed his concerns to the U.S. Daily Express, suggesting that Harry could indeed face deportation if found guilty of lying.

Gardner posits that the Biden administration may have something to hide, especially since they're attempting to keep the records under wraps.

He further emphasized that the main crux of the matter is whether the U.S. government has granted Prince Harry any special privileges.

Gardner believes that the efforts to prevent the release of the records indicate there may be more to the story.

If Harry is genuinely seeking clarity and transparency, he should advocate for the publication of these documents.

The stakes are high for Harry.

If it turns out he did provide false information, he could be treated like anyone else caught in a similar situation.

Lying on a visa application is a criminal offense in the U.S., and typically, those found guilty face deportation.

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