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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: The Royal Drama That Won’t End

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: The Royal Drama That Won’t End

In the latest chapter of royal intrigue, and have been spotted at various musical concerts and hockey games, seemingly desperate to maintain their royal image.

It's almost as if they are clinging to their past titles like lifelines in turbulent waters.

But here's the twist: they still want us to call them the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as if we're all part of a sequel to a royal saga that nobody really asked for.

Royal commentator Kinsley Schofield suggests that while the couple may think they are still in the royal limelight, many royal watchers see through their façade.

To them, Harry and Meghan are more akin to celebrities or reality TV stars than actual royals.

Yet, the couple seems undeterred, continuing to spin a fairy tale that they hope will resonate with those who still believe in their royal narrative.

Interestingly, Schofield draws parallels between Harry and Meghan's current path and that of Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York.

After her divorce, Sarah sought fame across the pond, leveraging her royal ties to secure financial opportunities.

From partnerships with to appearances on home shopping networks, the similarities between the two couples are both fascinating and cringe-inducing.

But it doesn't stop there.

Despite their 2020 decision to step back from royal duties, Harry and Meghan have maintained the Sussex Royal title on their website and social media platforms.

Their Instagram account, which has been inactive for three years, still boasts an impressive following of over nine million users, clinging to a royal relevance that feels increasingly outdated.

The Sussex Royal website features a page titled “Serving the Monarchy,” but it hasn't been updated since the passing of last September.

Strikingly absent is any mention of ' coronation, suggesting a selective memory that seems to suit their narrative.

This raises questions about their genuine commitment to the monarchy and whether it's merely a facade for their new celebrity lifestyle.

Their once-vibrant Instagram page now stands frozen in time, with its last post a sugary tribute to fan support.

It echoes like a distant memory, overshadowed by the silence that has followed.

This leaves us pondering their ultimate goal.

Are they attempting to uphold the illusion of royal connections while forging a new identity as celebrities in America?

The inconsistencies in their story have not gone unnoticed.

Many fans feel deceived by the couple's actions, leading to a chorus of disapproval.

What was once admiration has turned into skepticism, as followers grapple with the reality of a couple who seem to be straddling two worlds without fully committing to either.

Harry and Meghan's recent public engagements are not just puzzling; they also seem to betray the very supporters who once rallied behind them.

The curtain may have fallen on their royal chapter, but the theatrics continue to unfold, leaving us questioning whether this drama will ever reach a satisfactory conclusion.

As the saga unfolds, the world watches closely.

Will they ever fully embrace their new roles, or will they continue to play the part of the royals without the responsibilities?

The stage remains set, and the audience is left wondering if this story will ever find its resolution.

What do you think about the ongoing saga of Harry and Meghan?

Your thoughts could add to the conversation surrounding this captivating royal narrative.

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