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Meghan Markle Stays Behind as Prince Harry Rushes to Support King Charles

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Meghan Markle Stays Behind as Prince Harry Rushes to Support King Charles

In a significant development for the British royal family, has opted to remain in California while her husband, , hastily makes his way back to the UK.

This decision comes on the heels of Buckingham Palace announcing that has been diagnosed with cancer.

The news has sent ripples through royal circles and beyond.

was seen dashing to a private terminal at Los Angeles Airport, ready to board a flight to be with his father during this challenging time.

His departure was marked by urgency, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Meanwhile, Meghan chose to stay behind in Montecito, where she is caring for their children, Prince and Princess .

Royal author Omid Scobie has weighed in on Meghan's reluctance to return to the UK.

In his book “Endgame,” he reveals that she has never felt comfortable in England and has no desire to set foot there again.

This sentiment echoes her absence from significant royal events, including 's coronation last May, which she skipped to avoid re-entering what she described as “court soap operas.”

Since stepping down as senior royals in 2020, Meghan and Harry have made California their home.

While Harry heads back to the UK to support his father, Meghan appears resolute in her decision to stay put.

A source close to Harry confirmed that he learned about his father's health issues directly from King Charles himself.

The palace's announcement about the King's diagnosis came late last night, revealing that he is undergoing immediate treatment.

It was disclosed that King Charles had been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate last month and had spent three days in the hospital for a procedure related to this benign condition.

During this time, doctors identified a separate concern that led to the cancer diagnosis.

According to the official statement, the King has already begun a regimen of regular treatments.

Despite the serious nature of his condition, he remains optimistic about his recovery and is keen to resume his public duties as soon as possible.

The Palace emphasized that he will continue to handle state business and official documents during his treatment.

King Charles expressed gratitude for the swift actions of his medical team, crediting his recent hospital visit for uncovering his health issues.

His decision to publicly share his diagnosis aims to mitigate speculation and foster a greater understanding of the challenges faced by those battling cancer worldwide.

As the royal family navigates these turbulent waters, the dynamic between Harry and Meghan remains a focal point.

With Harry by his father's side, the royal family is bracing for what lies ahead while grappling with the implications of King Charles's health on the monarchy.

Meghan's choice to stay in California highlights the ongoing complexities of her relationship with the royal family.

As she focuses on her children, many are left wondering how this will affect her standing within the institution.

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