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Princess Charlotte’s Charming School Nickname Revealed

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Princess Charlotte’s Charming School Nickname Revealed

In a delightful turn of events, , the only daughter of the Prince and Princess of Wales, has adopted an endearing nickname at school that helps her blend in with her peers.

This charming revelation comes as she navigates her educational journey alongside her brothers, Prince George and , at Lambrook School in Berkshire.

The royal couple, and Princess Kate, are committed to ensuring that their children lead as normal a life as possible.

This approach extends to their schooling, where they strive to maintain a sense of normalcy for Charlotte and her siblings.

While the young princess was previously known as Charlotte of Cambridge, her current title has shifted to Charlotte of Wales following her parents' new roles.

However, it appears that Charlotte prefers something a bit more casual.

During a visit to Northern Ireland in 2019, Princess Kate affectionately referred to her daughter as “Lottie.”

This nickname seems to have stuck, with experts suggesting that Charlotte is likely known as Lottie Wells among her classmates.

But that's not all when it comes to nicknames in the royal family.

In a sweet moment from the Chelsea Flower Show in 2019, called his then four-year-old daughter a “Minionette.”

This French term translates to something small, sweet, and delicate, perfectly capturing Charlotte's playful spirit.

Charlotte isn't the only one in the family with adorable monikers.

Her older brother, Prince George, has also embraced a unique nickname: PG Tips, inspired by his initials.

When he's around close friends, he opts for the simpler “Tips,” which adds a personal touch to his identity outside of royal duties.

Meanwhile, has his own affectionate title.

His older siblings reportedly call him “Lulu,” showcasing the close bond between the brothers and sister.

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