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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Unwelcome Guests in the UK

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Unwelcome Guests in the UK

In a recent turn of events, 's brief visit to the UK has sparked controversy and criticism.

The Duke of Sussex made a quick trip across the Atlantic to meet with his father, , who has been diagnosed with cancer.

However, what many viewed as a heartfelt reunion has been labeled by some as nothing more than a PR stunt.

Harry's journey began last Tuesday when he flew from California, arriving for a mere 30-minute meeting with .

This fleeting visit raised eyebrows, especially considering the serious nature of his father's health concerns.

After spending the night in a hotel, Harry returned to the U.S. the following morning, leaving many to question the sincerity of his intentions.

Royal biographer Tom Power didn't hold back during a recent interview on GB News.

He described Harry and Meghan as “toxic,” asserting that their treatment of the British monarchy has alienated them from the royal family and the public.

Power expressed skepticism about Harry's motivations, suggesting that it was hard to believe he genuinely wanted to be by his father's side given their tumultuous relationship with the institution.

Power further elaborated on his thoughts, stating, “You can't trust the Sussexes.

Everything was done to their advantage.” His comments reflect a growing sentiment among some royal watchers who feel that Harry and Meghan have prioritized their own narrative over familial bonds.

The biographer also noted the significance of Harry being “kicked out” after such a short visit.

He interpreted this as a clear message: the couple is not welcome in Britain.

The absence of an invitation to stay overnight at any of the royal residences further emphasized this point.

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