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Prince Harry’s Visa Dilemma: A Legal Tug-of-War Unfolds

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Prince Harry’s Visa Dilemma: A Legal Tug-of-War Unfolds

In a surprising twist, finds himself embroiled in a legal battle over his U.S. visa application, just days after he hinted at pursuing American citizenship.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, is pushing for the release of details related to his immigration records, particularly focusing on whether he disclosed any history of drug use in his application.

When applying to live in the United States, applicants are required to answer a crucial question about drug use—specifically, whether they have ever been a user or an addict.

In his memoir, “Spare,” opened up about his past experiences with drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, and psychedelic mushrooms.

This revelation has sparked scrutiny over how he answered that particular question on his visa application.

Neil Gardner, who leads the Margaret Thatcher Freedom Center at the Heritage Foundation, expressed his concerns about the transparency of the process.

He stated that it's now up to a judge to decide if the public has the right to know whether Prince Harry received any special treatment from the Department of Homeland Security.

Gardner emphasized that the prince can no longer rely on his connections within the Biden administration to shield him from scrutiny.

In a recent interview with Good Morning America, Prince Harry acknowledged that he has considered the possibility of obtaining U.S. citizenship.

However, immigration experts warn that his plans might be at risk depending on how he answered the drug-related question on his visa application.

An immigration attorney commented that if Harry failed to disclose his drug use by marking “yes” on his application, this could lead to a serious predicament.

If it comes to light that he misrepresented himself, his visa could be reviewed and potentially revoked, which would spell disaster for his aspirations of citizenship.

The Heritage Foundation argues that Prince Harry may have been eligible for a waiver had he admitted to his drug use on his application.

Samuel Dewey, the group's attorney, is now keen to uncover who authorized this waiver, should it exist.

The implications of this inquiry could be significant for the prince's standing in the U.S.

However, the Department of Homeland Security has pushed back against the idea of releasing Harry's immigration records, citing privacy concerns.

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