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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Controversial Choice: A Royal Name with Legal Threats

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Controversial Choice: A Royal Name with Legal Threats

In a surprising revelation, a new book has shed light on the tensions surrounding and 's decision to name their daughter , a name that holds deep significance within the British royal family.

The late II was reportedly furious upon learning that her childhood nickname had been adopted by the Sussexes without her explicit permission.

The drama unfolded when Harry and Meghan allegedly instructed the law firm Shillings to issue legal warnings to various media outlets, including the BBC.

They claimed that reports suggesting they hadn't sought the Queen's approval were not only false but also defamatory.

This legal maneuvering highlights the couple's determination to protect their narrative amid growing scrutiny.

According to Daily Mail journalist Robert Hardman, who draws from sources within the late Queen's household, the monarch expressed considerable anger in 2021 after the Sussexes announced that she had given her blessing for them to use the name .

This nickname was a cherished term of endearment used by her family, including her parents, sister, and husband.

Hardman recounts that a member of the Queen's household described her reaction as one of the angriest moments they had ever witnessed.

The tension escalated when Meghan and Harry attempted to secure Buckingham Palace's support for their claim that the Queen approved of the name choice.

However, their efforts were met with resistance, leaving the couple in a precarious position.

Despite their threats of legal action, the anticipated lawsuits against the BBC never materialized.

This raises questions about the effectiveness of their legal strategy and whether it was more about public relations than actual litigation.

A spokesperson for the Sussexes maintained that they would never have chosen the name if the Queen had not been supportive.

During the initial announcement, Harry emphasized that he had discussed the name with family members beforehand, asserting that his grandmother was the first person he called.

He expressed their desire to honor her with their daughter's name, insisting that her support was crucial to their decision.

However, reports from various news outlets suggested that the Queen felt cornered and unable to refuse the request.

This sentiment adds another layer of complexity to an already fraught situation, illustrating the challenges of navigating royal traditions and family dynamics.

The controversy surrounding Lilibet's name is just one chapter in the ongoing saga of the Sussexes and their relationship with the royal family.

As they continue to forge their own path, the implications of their choices resonate deeply within the monarchy.

As Harry and Meghan strive to establish their identity outside the royal fold, the naming of their daughter serves as a poignant reminder of the ties that bind them to the institution they have distanced themselves from.

The ongoing dialogue about their decisions reflects broader themes of family loyalty, respect for tradition, and the challenges of modern royal life.

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