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Royal Drama Unfolds: Meghan and Harry’s Netflix Controversy Deepens

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Royal Drama Unfolds: Meghan and Harry’s Netflix Controversy Deepens

New revelations have surfaced regarding the ongoing tensions between , , and Netflix, as both parties appear to be pointing fingers over film crews at royal events.

The latest claims suggest that the couple not only brought a Netflix crew to the Windsor walkabout following II's death but also during 's funeral.

This unfolding drama raises serious questions about privacy, respect, and the lengths to which the Sussexes might go for a payday.

During a recent segment on Talk TV, host and royal expert Jenny Bond discussed the implications of these actions, revealing that it was initially believed had invited his estranged brother and sister-in-law for the walkabout in September 2022.

However, the conversation took a surprising turn when the host recounted an experience from that day.

While out walking his dog, he noticed a Netflix crew trailing behind Harry and Meghan, raising eyebrows about their true intentions.

Adding to the intrigue, it has been alleged that Meghan was wearing a microphone while interacting with the public, collecting condolences for the Queen.

Bond expressed her dismay, emphasizing how inappropriate it is to capture such intimate moments for personal gain.

She pointed out that while palace photographers document royal engagements, this situation felt underhanded and disrespectful, turning family grief into a spectacle.

The idea that Harry and Meghan were seeking to monetize their experiences during such a sensitive time has angered many.

Bond noted that if reconciliation was indeed the goal of the walkabout, it clearly hasn't materialized.

Instead, it seems to have opened up old wounds, with the Sussexes appearing more focused on publicity than healing familial rifts.

Further complicating matters, Meghan reportedly attempted to sell footage and information to U.S. broadcasters, suggesting a calculated effort to profit from their association with the royal family.

Observers noted a recording device visible beneath her dress, casting doubt on the authenticity of her interactions during the mourning period.

The controversy doesn't stop there.

During 's funeral, Harry allegedly breached protocol by moving ahead in line for a better photo opportunity.

Critics argue that this behavior was not only disrespectful but also indicative of Harry's desire to remain relevant within the royal narrative, even amid tragedy.

Some commentators have speculated that the positioning of Harry and William during the funeral was intentional, designed to keep them apart.

Peter Phillips, as the eldest grandson, held precedence, but Harry's decision to switch positions seemed to signal a blatant disregard for royal customs.

His actions reflect a desperate need to be seen alongside his brother, even if it meant breaking the rules.

This ongoing saga has led to whispers of a potential lawsuit in 2024 as Netflix and the Sussexes appear to be at odds over the situation.

Sources close to the matter suggest that both parties may be held accountable for the presence of cameras during such private moments, raising questions about security and respect for the royal family.

Netflix's involvement in these events has drawn scrutiny, particularly given their history of controversial collaborations with the Sussexes.

Critics are calling for transparency regarding the filming practices employed during sensitive occasions, especially after Meghan's highly publicized visit to Uvalde following a tragic shooting incident.

As this story continues to develop, the implications for both the Sussexes and Netflix remain significant.

With claims of compromised security and breaches of trust swirling, it seems that the fallout from these events will not subside anytime soon.

The royal family, the Sussexes, and Netflix are all caught in a complex web of interests, and the public is left to wonder what will unfold next.

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