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Duchess of Edinburgh’s Bold Response to Meghan Amid Royal Health Issue

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Duchess of Edinburgh’s Bold Response to Meghan Amid Royal Health Issue

Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, is not one to sugarcoat her opinions, especially when it comes to stepping into the shoes of her royal counterparts.

Celebrating their upcoming 25th wedding anniversary in June, Sophie and have solidified their place within the royal family.

Over the years, Sophie has earned respect and trust as a significant figure in the late Queen's inner circle.

Known for her unwavering dedication to the monarch and the establishment, Sophie has become a reliable confidante of the Queen.

Some experts even suggest that the Queen viewed Sophie more as a daughter than a daughter-in-law.

Their shared interests often led them to spend quality time together at Windsor, bonding over old war films and historical documentaries, as reported by Mail Online.

In a heartfelt speech back in 2019, Sophie affectionately referred to the Queen as “Mama,” showcasing the close bond between them.

Despite not always grabbing headlines like some other royals, Sophie's quiet yet impactful contributions to the royal family and her cherished organizations have not gone unnoticed.

Royal expert Katie Nicholl, in her 2022 book “The New Royals, 's Legacy and the Future of the Crown,” highlights Sophie's essential role within the establishment.

Nicholl praises Sophie for blazing a trail of normalcy for the royal family, even if it means operating under the radar compared to other high-profile members.

As concerns arise about the monarchy's functionality during and Princess Catherine's health-related hiatus, many had speculated about the return of Harry and Meghan to fill the void.

However, it appears that Edward and Sophie are more than capable of shouldering the responsibilities in their absence.

With the King and Princess of Wales temporarily out of commission, the senior female members of the royal family, including the Queen, , and the Duchess of Edinburgh, have stepped up to maintain public engagements.

, known for her strong work ethic, is juggling multiple engagements across different regions, while the Queen continues her daily visits with tight security measures in place.

The unexpected shift towards a royal matriarchy will persist until February 7th, with the Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Edinburgh set to resume their duties thereafter.

, who recently returned from trips abroad, is taking a brief hiatus from public obligations.

Despite his absence, the royal family remains united in their commitment to serving the nation during challenging times.

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