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**Meghan Markle’s Struggle with Royal Family Expectations**

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**Meghan Markle’s Struggle with Royal Family Expectations**

has been a constant target for royal family experts, who have the authority to critique the monarchy without repercussions.

The latest scrutiny revolves around Markle's reaction to her royal tours following her marriage to in 2018.

Author Tana Brown sheds light on Markle's inner turmoil and her unconventional approach to royal duties.

After the couple's tour to Australia, Tonga, New Zealand, and Fiji, Markle expressed her discomfort with the traditional nature of these visits.

Brown reveals that Markle even suggested getting paid for her appearances, indicating a stark contrast to the typical royal protocol.

She believed the monarchy relied more on her presence than she did on their establishment.

Despite attending numerous events, Markle appeared disconnected from the significance of these engagements.

Unlike seasoned royal family members, she struggled to comprehend the purpose behind these trips, as highlighted by author Tom Bauer.

The couple's success during the tours led them to believe they possessed a touch of 's charisma, failing to recognize the years of effort Diana invested in winning public affection.

The narrative surrounding Markle's integration into the royal family reflects the challenges faced by an outsider attempting to navigate centuries-old traditions.

The firm, as the royal family is often referred to, viewed Markle as an interloper who disrupted the status quo by whisking away to the United States.

The notion of trust and acceptance within the royal circle seemed unattainable for Markle, given her non-traditional background.

Royal family experts consistently defend the monarchy's interests, underscoring Markle's outsider status within the institution.

The dynamics within the royal family underscore the deep-rooted traditions and expectations that newcomers like Markle struggle to adhere to.

The notion of loyalty and duty weighs heavily on every member, with Markle finding herself at odds with these entrenched values.

Markle's journey as a royal has been met with skepticism and scrutiny, with experts dissecting her every move and motive.

The contrast between her approach and that of established royal figures underscores the challenges she faces in assimilating into the institution.

The expectations placed on her as a newcomer highlight the complexities of navigating royal life while maintaining one's individuality.

As discussions around Markle's role in the royal family continue, it is evident that the clash of tradition and modernity remains a central theme.

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