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Avid Verney Wins Career Achievement Award, Meghan Markle’s Agency Drops Her

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Avid Verney Wins Career Achievement Award, Meghan Markle’s Agency Drops Her

Rumours are swirling around as her talent agency reportedly drops her just days into the new year of 2024.

It seems that the Duchess of Sussex's attempts to stay in the limelight by portraying herself as a victim have backfired, leading to speculation about her future in the entertainment industry.

Raw commentator Angela Levin raised eyebrows when she pointed out that Meghan's name is conspicuously absent from the website of her new agent, William Morris.

Meghan's career took a hit in 2023, with no major accomplishments to boast of, especially after being snubbed by various awards ceremonies.

Recently, allegations surfaced that Meghan had bribed the CSA president with $250,000, resulting in her agency failing to secure a coveted career achievement award.

Instead, Avid DuVernay has been announced as the recipient of the prestigious Lynn Stolmuster Award for Career Achievement at the upcoming Arteis Awards on March 7th.

Avid DuVernay, known for her groundbreaking work in filmmaking and commitment to inclusive casting, expressed gratitude for the recognition.

Destiny Lilly, the CSA president, praised DuVernay's dedication to diverse and representative casting, highlighting her impact on the industry.

DuVernay's impressive body of work includes acclaimed projects such as “Selma,” “13th,” and “A Wrinkle in Time,” showcasing her commitment to amplifying voices of people of color and women through her non-profit organization, Collective Array.

In contrast, 's aspirations for a successful acting career seem to be facing challenges, with critics questioning her achievements and methods.

President Destiny Lilly hinted at Meghan's desire for the award but emphasized the lack of substantial accomplishments in her career thus far.

The prospect of Meghan winning the award has sparked controversy, with warnings of boycotts and potential backlash against the organisers should she be awarded.

Meghan's ambitions to become a movie star princess, complete with lavish lifestyle demands, have come under scrutiny as her approach to fame and success raises eyebrows.

Her reluctance to conform to the norms and responsibilities of her position within the royal family, coupled with her alleged attempts to buy recognition, have cast a shadow over her career prospects.

The dynamic between Meghan and , portrayed as partners in rebellion against tradition, has drawn attention to their controversial choices and their impact on their public image.

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