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Netflix’s Audacious Plan to Unleash “The Clown” on Prince Harry

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Netflix’s Audacious Plan to Unleash “The Clown” on Prince Harry

In a shocking turn of events, Netflix is rumored to be hatching a devious plot to seek retribution against the troublesome Sussexes.

Yes, you heard it right.

The streaming giant is on a mission for vengeance and, more importantly, to reclaim the riches that allegedly swindled from them.

It's a saga of exploitation, deception, and tantalizing payback, my dear readers.

Prepare yourselves for what could be the most scandalous twist in recent memory.

Reports suggest that Netflix is mulling over the creation of a series that aims to rival the popular show “The Crown,” aptly titled “The Clown.”

The gossip mill is abuzz with whispers that they are not even considering seeking 's approval for this bold move.

And why would they?

With Harry's memoir, “Spare,” already in the public domain, his life story is fair game for an unauthorized biopic.

Netflix is circling Harry's narrative like a predator eyeing its prey, unapologetically ready to pounce.

The streaming service has already depicted Harry in a less-than-flattering light in “The Crown,” portraying him as a conniving informant.

It appears that Netflix has no qualms about disregarding the dignity of the younger royal sibling.

Exploiting Harry's life story without his endorsement seems to be their modus operandi.

They are unabashedly ruthless, and they make no secret of it.

The intriguing part?

They might not even need to use the title “Spare” or refer to him as in the series.

Simply labeling it “Harry's Story” could be sufficient to attract viewers and revenue.

That's the cutthroat nature of the entertainment industry, my friends.

Harry may have believed he was striking a lucrative deal with Netflix, but little did he anticipate that the tables would turn, and he would become the target of exploitation.

And let's not overlook the potential content that such a series could delve into.

Picture a show that delves into Harry's controversial moments, such as his insensitive remarks towards a disabled individual or divulging details of his early romantic escapades.

The potential scandal is ripe for the picking.

However, the ultimate blow would be dealt if Netflix proceeds with this audacious plan.

It could potentially tarnish the reputation of the Harkle brand irreparably.

By showcasing Harry's life in all its messy intricacies, the audience would be left questioning the authenticity of it all.

While “The Crown” straddled the line between fact and fiction, this proposed series would boldly embrace the absurdity of Harry's narrative.

Meanwhile, the creators of “The Crown” appear unperturbed by Harry's memoir.

Annie Sulzberger, the head of research for the show, seemed dismissive of Harry's revelations, suggesting that perhaps his timing was a bit off.

She viewed his memoir as an interesting read but hardly a groundbreaking revelation.

Adding insult to injury, Prince Harry's book coincided with the release of the final season of “The Crown,” leaving little impact on the acclaimed series.

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