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**Queen Latifah Confronts Meghan Markle at Kennedy Center Honors**

Photos: GETTY

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**Queen Latifah Confronts Meghan Markle at Kennedy Center Honors**

A night of celebration turned into a night of drama and humiliation as Queen Latifah reportedly pushed , the Duchess of Sussex, at the 46th Kennedy Center Honors.

The incident occurred during the prestigious event attended by dignitaries and celebrities, including President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

Queen Latifah, known for her outspokenness and activism, allegedly confronted Meghan backstage over her controversial interview with earlier in the year.

Sources claim that Queen Latifah expressed her disapproval of Meghan's presence at the gala, accusing her of betraying her husband, father, and country.

Despite Meghan's attempts to engage in conversation, Queen Latifah rebuffed her, labeling her as a disgrace to the royal family and the black community.

The rap legend reportedly criticized Meghan for her perceived dishonesty, manipulation, and fame-seeking behavior, leading to a heated exchange between the two women.

Witnesses described Meghan as shocked and hurt by Queen Latifah's harsh words and actions.

The Duchess struggled to contain her emotions as she walked away, feeling blindsided and deeply wounded by the confrontation.

She was left reeling from the unexpected public altercation with someone she had admired.

, who accompanied Meghan to the event, remained unaware of the incident, as Meghan chose not to disclose the details to him.

Despite her distress, Meghan opted to maintain composure during the ceremony, not wanting to disrupt Harry's experience or draw further attention to the confrontation.

Following the encounter with Queen Latifah, Meghan faced additional challenges as she encountered criticism and scrutiny from other guests and the media.

Her motives and credibility were questioned, with some viewing her presence at the Kennedy Center Honors as a calculated publicity move rather than a genuine show of support.

Despite hoping to garner sympathy and solidarity from the American public, Meghan found herself isolated and judged by those around her.

Cold glances and whispers surrounded her, painting her as an unwelcome figure seeking to overshadow the honorees of the evening, further adding to her sense of alienation and distress.

In the aftermath of the incident, Meghan grappled with feelings of being attacked and humiliated within her own social circles.

The public backlash and negative portrayal in the media only exacerbated her sense of isolation and disillusionment, leaving her to navigate the fallout of the confrontation alone.

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