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**Meghan Markle’s Controversial Contract with First Husband Revealed**

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**Meghan Markle’s Controversial Contract with First Husband Revealed**

A former friend of has recently come forward with shocking revelations about the Duchess of Sussex's past marriage.

The ex-pal disclosed details of a contract that Meghan had with her first husband, shedding light on some of the demands and expectations within their relationship.

According to the insider, discussions about the contract arose when Meghan and her then-husband were contemplating starting a family.

Meghan, being aware of the genetic predisposition towards a heavier body type in her family, was particularly conscious of her weight, especially considering her career in the spotlight.

She was determined to stay camera-ready at all times and avoid any visible weight gain, especially in her face.

Although Meghan has acknowledged the likelihood of weight gain during her pregnancies, the former pal expressed skepticism based on her observations of Meghan's public appearances.

The friend pointed out a specific instance when Meghan presented baby to the press for the first time, noting discrepancies that raised doubts about the authenticity of her pregnancies.

Furthermore, the informant revealed that despite Meghan's relatively recent entry into the royal family, she always aspired to be treated like a princess.

Allegedly, Meghan had her first husband sign a document, possibly a handwritten letter, as a means of exerting control over him.

The friend suggested that Meghan's focus on her image and body image insecurities played a significant role in their relationship dynamics.

The former pal painted a picture of Meghan as someone who prioritized her own ambitions and desires above all else.

It was implied that Meghan manipulated her first husband, Trevor, in pursuit of a lavish lifestyle and fame, using tactics to ensure her needs were met.

The friend described Trevor as a mere pawn in Meghan's pursuit of success and status.

Criticism was also directed at Meghan's approach to motherhood and family planning.

The revelation of a contract outlining Trevor's financial responsibilities for Meghan's post-pregnancy recovery and childcare raised eyebrows.

Questions were raised about why Meghan, now a prominent television personality, would require such arrangements and why Trevor was expected to foot the bill.

The disclosure of the contract led to speculation about Meghan's true intentions and character.

Accusations of manipulation, selfishness, and a transactional approach to relationships were leveled against her.

The former pal painted a damning portrait of Meghan as a calculating individual who prioritizes personal gain over genuine connections.

In addition to the revelations about Meghan's past, the informant raised concerns about her current role within the British Royal Family.

Allegations of strategic plotting, deception, and a quest for power were made against Meghan, suggesting a pattern of behavior that extended beyond her personal relationships.

Overall, the revelations about 's past contract with her first husband have sparked controversy and raised questions about her motives and character.

The insights provided by the former pal offer a glimpse into the complexities of Meghan's relationships and ambitions, painting a nuanced portrait of a woman who has faced scrutiny and speculation at every turn.

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