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Royal Expert Claims Prince Harry Is Being Abandoned by Meghan Markle

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Royal Expert Claims Prince Harry Is Being Abandoned by Meghan Markle

Royal expert Angela Levin has raised concerns about the state of 's marriage, suggesting that his wife is leaving him isolated and alone.

In a recent interview with GB News host Dan Wooten, Levin revealed that is no longer residing in the family home, with reports indicating he has a permanent room booked at the luxurious San Vincent bungalows in West Hollywood, which he frequents without Meghan.

Levin speculated on the reasons behind this apparent separation, suggesting that Meghan's behavior may be a contributing factor.

She highlighted instances where Meghan has shown a lack of public support for Harry, such as snubbing him at a basketball game, missing important events like the coronation, and failing to accompany him on his book tour.

According to Levin, these actions indicate a troubling trend in their relationship.

The royal expert expressed her belief that Meghan is strategically distancing herself from Harry, possibly with the intention of gaining custody of their two children.

Levin characterized Meghan as a calculated planner who is focused on advancing her own career and interests, even at the expense of her husband's well-being.

She suggested that Harry, who is reportedly struggling with mental health issues, is in need of support that Meghan is failing to provide.

Levin's assessment of the situation paints a grim picture for Prince Harry, indicating that he is increasingly isolated and vulnerable.

She warned that Meghan's actions could lead to dire consequences for Harry, potentially marking the “beginning of the end” for him.

By deliberately creating a situation where Harry is left helpless, Levin believes Meghan may be positioning herself to gain control over their children.

The dynamics of Harry and Meghan's relationship have come under scrutiny in recent months, with observers noting a shift in their interactions and public appearances.

Levin's analysis suggests that Meghan's focus on her own pursuits has left Harry adrift, without the necessary support system to navigate his challenges.

As the couple faces mounting pressures and responsibilities, the strain on their marriage appears to be reaching a breaking point.

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