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**Prince Harry’s Demand for Apology Poses Threat to King Charles’ Coronation**

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**Prince Harry’s Demand for Apology Poses Threat to King Charles’ Coronation**

Renowned world author Nigel Cawthorn has raised concerns over 's demand for an apology, stating that it poses a significant risk to ' upcoming coronation.

According to Cawthorn, the prince's insistence on receiving apologies from his father, Prince Charles, and brother, , before confirming his attendance at the ceremony on May 6 has created a potential obstacle for the event.

While speculation surrounds Harry and Meghan's possible presence at the coronation, Buckingham Palace has yet to release any official statement regarding their participation.

In a recent interview with Express, Cawthorn emphasized the impact of Harry's pursuit of an apology, highlighting Meghan's comparative silence on the matter.

The author expressed his views on the situation, noting that while preparations are being made for the royal couple's potential attendance, the issue of apologies remains unresolved.

Cawthorn underscored the complexity of the situation, asserting that refraining from issuing apologies is in line with royal protocol and dignity.

Harry's stance on attending the coronation has been clear, insisting that any reconciliation must be preceded by addressing the allegations he has raised against the royal family.

Despite indicating openness to reconciliation in prior interviews, Harry's demand for apologies has not been met with agreement from the royal household.

Cawthorn, drawing parallels with his book on sibling rivalry within the royal family, suggested that Harry might bring his immediate family, including Meghan, Prince , and Princess , to the event if he attends.

Commenting on the controversy surrounding the titles of Harry and Meghan's children, Cawthorn expressed skepticism towards their choices, considering their apparent disengagement from traditional royal customs.

He remarked on the couple's selective embrace of royal privileges while distancing themselves from other aspects of royalty, characterizing their approach as wanting to have it both ways.

Cawthorn predicted that the ongoing discussions regarding Harry and Meghan's attendance would only amplify public interest in the event, potentially overshadowing the coronation itself.

While acknowledging Harry as a significant disruptor to the coronation proceedings, Cawthorn humorously highlighted King Charles' role in maintaining composure amidst potential drama.

He quipped about the king's ceremonial obligations, juxtaposed with the unpredictability of Harry and Meghan's presence.

Furthermore, Cawthorn shared his views on 's eagerness for attention, suggesting unconventional methods for the disgraced royal to garner public notice.

As the speculation surrounding the royal family continues to captivate public attention, the uncertainty regarding Harry and Meghan's attendance at the coronation persists.

Cawthorn's insights shed light on the intricate dynamics at play within the royal household, underscoring the challenges faced by King Charles in navigating familial tensions amidst ceremonial duties.

The evolving narrative surrounding the coronation promises intrigue and anticipation, as observers await the unfolding of this royal saga.

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