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Prince Harry’s Legal Battle: King Declines Inheritance, Duke Severs Ties with Meg

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Prince Harry’s Legal Battle: King Declines Inheritance, Duke Severs Ties with Meg

is gearing up for a legal showdown as he prepares to take Mirror Group Newspapers – MGN – to court over allegations of phone hacking.

However, his plans clash with the King's upcoming solo trip to Romania, scheduled for five days next week, which means the father and son are unlikely to reunite.

This situation follows the Duke's recent swift visit to England for his father's coronation, where he rushed back to California still adorned in his medals and mourning attire at Heathrow Airport.

Despite staying overnight at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, he did not interact with his brother Prince Charles or engage with his father and stepmother.

The reason behind 's desire to meet with the King revolves around the Queen's will.

The King's decision to exclude Harry's family from the inheritance left him fuming.

Considering the Harkles' recent actions aimed at tarnishing the family's reputation, the question arises – why would they expect to benefit from the same individuals?

's $676 million fortune was entirely bequeathed to her eldest son and the proud new crowd owner, , in accordance with an inheritance agreement made by the British Royal Family in the late 90s.

Reports suggest that , along with Harry and , were also omitted from her will.

Forbes confirmed in 2021 that Harry did not receive any portion of the $100 million legacy left to the Royal Family by his great-grandmother, the Queen Mother.

Speculations arise that the Queen might not leave any valuable jewels to Harry and Meghan, considering their estrangement from the Royal Family.

While Catherine, the Princess of Wales, is expected to inherit $110 million in jewelry from the Queen's personal collection, specifically 300 pieces owned by the Queen herself, not the Crown.

Sources hint at last-minute adjustments made by the Queen to her will before her passing, focusing on deserving recipients.

As for Meghan, she seems to have been excluded from the inheritance due to practical reasons or the drama surrounding her and Harry's relationship with the British royal family leading up to the Queen's demise.

Some believe it could be a practical move rather than a spiteful one, signaling a message to the couple. Australia speculates that Prince Harry might face complete exclusion from 's will, attributing it to his refusal to visit his grandmother before her passing and his subsequent removal from her will.

In the midst of these familial tensions, Prince Harry is anticipated to provide in-person testimony at the MGM trial in London, setting the stage for a direct confrontation with former Mirror editor Piers Morgan, a prominent critic of the Sussexes.

The legal battle and the inheritance dispute add another layer of complexity to the already strained relations within the royal family, underscoring the ongoing saga of power struggles and personal conflicts.

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