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**Mystery Surrounding Meghan and Harry’s Children Unveiled**

Photos: GETTY

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**Mystery Surrounding Meghan and Harry’s Children Unveiled**

Speculations and doubts continue to swirl around and 's children, and , raising questions about their existence and authenticity.

The controversy deepened as details emerged regarding the children's alleged encounters and appearances, fueling skepticism among the public.

During 's christening, an intriguing incident unfolded when reportedly declined to hold the infant, opting to stand nearby without physical contact.

Since then, there have been no authentic sightings of anyone besides Meghan interacting with the children in question.

The absence of concrete evidence has sparked suspicions about the validity of their existence.

Concerns have been raised about the lack of visual proof of Prince Charles ever meeting , the couple's second child.

Allegations suggest that the only glimpses of the children were orchestrated by the couple's PR team for specific purposes, such as the Netflix deal.

These claims point to a carefully curated narrative surrounding Meghan and Harry's family life.

Furthermore, observations about physical anomalies in images of Meghan with Lilibet have added to the intrigue.

Speculations about the children's features being digitally altered, including an unusual second toe on Lilibet, have fueled the ongoing debate about the authenticity of the family's portrayal in the media.

Meghan's statements about Archie showing an interest in his grandfather have been met with skepticism, with critics labeling it as a fabricated attempt to garner sympathy.

The notion that a four-year-old would inquire about a relative they have no recollection of meeting has been dismissed as implausible, casting doubt on the credibility of Meghan's narrative.

In a recent revelation, Diana Eppers highlighted discrepancies in the children's birth records, raising questions about the medical verification of their births.

Allegations of Meghan's reluctance to utilize the Queen's trusted doctors for childbirth have further fueled speculations about potential hidden truths surrounding the children's origins.

The absence of official records from hospitals around the alleged birth dates of Archie and Lilibet has intensified doubts about the veracity of Meghan's claims.

The lack of public appearances featuring the entire family together has also raised eyebrows, prompting inquiries into the authenticity of the family's public image.

Critics have pointed out inconsistencies in Meghan's behavior, highlighting instances where she allegedly used other children to pose as her own.

Accusations of photo manipulation and staged representations of the children have cast a shadow of doubt over the authenticity of Meghan and Harry's family portrayal.

Amidst the swirling controversies and unanswered questions, the public remains divided over the legitimacy of Meghan and Harry's family narrative.

As scrutiny continues to mount, the search for concrete evidence and transparency regarding the couple's children persists, leaving many to ponder the truth behind the carefully crafted facade.

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