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Lady Colin Campbell Accuses Meghan Markle of Orchestrating Prince Harry’s Press War, Targeting Piers Morgan

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Lady Colin Campbell Accuses Meghan Markle of Orchestrating Prince Harry’s Press War, Targeting Piers Morgan

In a surprising turn of events, Lady Colin Campbell, the well-known socialite and royal author, has pointed fingers at , alleging that she is the mastermind behind 's ongoing battle with the media.

Campbell asserts that Meghan is the driving force behind Harry's fight against issues such as phone hacking and invasion of privacy, with her primary aim being to take down the controversial figure, Piers Morgan.

During a candid YouTube video, Campbell made explosive claims against the Duchess of Sussex, revealing insider information by stating, “I have been informed through my inquiries that Meghan is the one pulling the strings in all of this.”

She emphasized the past association between Morgan, who was the editor of the Mirror for a significant period, and Meghan, highlighting Meghan's alleged vendetta against him.

The once amicable relationship between Meghan and Morgan, which soured following a series of Twitter spats, reached a boiling point when Morgan penned a scathing article for the Daily Mail in May 2018, criticizing Meghan's performance at her wedding to .

He questioned Meghan's acting abilities, asking why she couldn't deliver an award-winning performance for such a significant occasion.

Lady Colin Campbell expressed bewilderment at Prince Harry's delayed reaction to events that occurred many years ago, suggesting that if those incidents genuinely troubled him, he should have addressed them at the time.

Campbell went further to insinuate that Meghan may have planted the seed for the legal action as part of a broader political strategy.

Describing the situation as nonsensical and perplexing, Campbell exclaimed, “The whole thing is bizarre, it's crazy, none of it makes sense.”

She raised doubts about the timing of Harry's distress over past events and questioned the couple's motives behind pursuing legal action.

Campbell suggested that Meghan's alleged political ambitions could be a driving force behind their actions.

Campbell warned that Harry might unknowingly tarnish his own reputation by engaging in the legal battle, cautioning that while winning on principle is important, the couple's underlying agenda of establishing a political platform could have long-term consequences.

She criticized the notion that Meghan and Harry are positioning themselves as champions of the underdog, labeling it as ludicrous.

Renowned for her outspoken views on royal matters, Lady Colin Campbell frequently addresses such topics on her YouTube channel.

With her book “Meghan and Harry, The Real Story” released in 2020, Campbell delves into the intricate details of the couple's lives and controversial decisions, shedding light on their actions and motivations.

As the legal saga unfolds, the truth surrounding Meghan's alleged involvement in Prince Harry's media battle remains shrouded in speculation and debate.

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