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and are facing a significant decline in popularity both in the UK and the US, as per claims by Nigel Farage.

The couple, aged 40 and 36 respectively, decided to step back from their royal responsibilities in March 2020 and relocated to California in pursuit of financial independence.

However, their recent interviews on royal life have sparked criticism and backlash.

Nigel Farage, a presenter on GB News, asserted that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have incurred some damage with their remarks, resulting in waning interest from royal fans.

Notably, data indicates that and 's Instagram account has witnessed a decrease in followers, while the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's follower count continues to soar.

According to a report by The Sun, British data analysis firm HypoDetour disclosed that around 700,000 individuals have unfollowed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Instagram account over the past year.

In stark contrast, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge now boast a staggering 13 million followers on the same platform, having gained an additional 1 million royal enthusiasts within the last 12 months.

Furthermore, the Queen's royal family account has amassed 1.3 million more followers.

Experts in the realm of royalty suggest that the public is growing weary of the attitude exhibited by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

In a statement on GB News, Nigel Farage expressed, “It's done some damage but I do sense a change.

The polls recently, when people were asked about whether they were interested in buying or reading the new book, a vast majority were utterly and completely disinterested.

I think that's where we're going with it.

Most people I know don't want to hear another word from them ever again.”

He elaborated that the couple is swiftly discrediting themselves, leading to a decline in popularity not only in the UK but also in the USA.

The exclusion of the royal couple from Barack Obama's recent birthday celebration, as noted by royal expert Angela Levin, is perceived as a snub that the royals may find challenging to overcome.

Tomini, an associate editor at The Telegraph, remarked that the interview given by the Sussexes to has not resonated well with the former US president and first lady, known for prioritizing family values.

Talk radio host Mike Graham added a further dimension, suggesting that the couple lacks genuine friendships and are excluded from circles that were present at Barack Obama's birthday party.

The fluctuating popularity of the Sussex couple has been evident since their decision to step back as senior royals in March 2020, with notable dips following key events such as 's funeral and the interview.

Subsequent surveys conducted by YouGov revealed that public opinion of Prince Harry remained largely negative despite his return for his grandfather's funeral.

Approximately 43% of Britons held a positive view of Prince Harry, while 49% viewed him negatively, resulting in a net popularity score of minus 6, a decline of three points from earlier assessments.

Similarly, Meghan's popularity experienced a slight dip following a substantial decrease in March.

As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex gear up for a busy period post the birth of their second child, their ventures into content creation for Netflix and Spotify are poised to keep them occupied.

Royal commentator Omit Scobie emphasized that after a prolonged break, the couple is now preparing for an active phase in their professional endeavors.

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