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Royal Family Bombshell: Explosive Claims Revealed by Harry and Meghan’s Insider

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Royal Family Bombshell: Explosive Claims Revealed by Harry and Meghan’s Insider

The Royal Family finds itself embroiled in fresh controversy as Omid Scobie, a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan, unveils startling revelations mere hours after the Duke of Sussex's failed attempt to have a cordial birthday conversation with on his 75th birthday.

Scobie has provided a sneak peek into his upcoming book, “Endgame,” disclosing shocking details, including being left unaware of the Queen's deteriorating health in the moments leading up to her passing.

In a surprising turn of events, courtiers are incensed as and expose hidden Royal Family secrets surrounding the Queen's demise to Omid Scobie.

According to Scobie, the royal couple was oblivious to the preparations being made within the Royal Family for the Queen's eventual passing last year.

Furthermore, the author insinuates that the relationship between William and Harry may be irreparably damaged, with the Prince of Wales viewing his brother as a traitor.

Allegations continue to surface, with Meghan's confidant suggesting that Prince Charles ignored Harry's attempts at contact as he hurried to be by the Queen's side in Scotland in September of the previous year.

An insider revealed to the Mirror, expressing dismay at the apparent targeting of William and Kate by the author.

The swift escalation of tensions and reopening of old wounds paint a grim picture of the unfolding saga.

The funding and promotion of Omid's book, “Endgame,” raise eyebrows, with Meghan allegedly being the primary supporter, positioning herself as the driving force behind the scenes.

The strategy seems to involve deflecting blame and distancing herself from any negative portrayals, while simultaneously using proxies to launch attacks on the British Royal Family.

The intricate web of relationships and motives hints at a complex narrative playing out behind palace walls.

According to Scobie, Harry rushed from California to Aberdeenshire upon receiving a call from his father, III, to be with the Queen during her final hours.

The claim that Harry was deliberately kept in the dark about the severity of the Queen's condition by his own family adds another layer of intrigue to the unfolding drama.

Scobie's portrayal of Harry as being indifferent to the Queen's well-being raises questions about trust and familial dynamics within the monarchy.

The Queen's visible health struggles, including strange bruising, weight loss, and reduced public appearances, were apparently known to many, fueling speculation about the level of communication within the royal household.

Harry's alleged disregard for royal engagements and events further complicates the narrative, painting a picture of willful ignorance or deliberate avoidance of familial responsibilities.

Scobie's account delves into Harry's perceived sense of entitlement and detachment from the realities of royal life, suggesting a disconnect between his actions and the expectations placed upon him as a member of the Royal Family.

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