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**Meghan Markle’s Egg Freezing Controversy Unraveled**

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**Meghan Markle’s Egg Freezing Controversy Unraveled**

A recent revelation on Thomas' podcast by Trevor has stirred up controversy, accusing Meghan of freezing her eggs while still married to him.

According to Megan's father, she retrieved her frozen eggs in July before 's birth, which were frozen during her marriage to Trevor.

Trevor, who remains friends with some of Megan's childhood pals, alleged that they were ghosted by her, sparking speculation that he may have shared the information with her father.

The process required Trevor's authorization for egg retrieval, leading to Thomas being informed.

Additionally, Trevor covered the cost of egg freezing during their marriage, receiving a notification when Megan decided to retrieve them.

Megan's father footed the storage bill as she was not financially stable at the time, with charges ceasing after that month.

The discussion then delves into the reasons behind Megan's decision to freeze her eggs at a young age.

Speculations suggest that she may have intended to delay pregnancy, potentially opting for a surrogate due to her inability to conceive naturally.

The choice to freeze eggs rather than embryos indicates a strategic move, hinting at her reluctance to have children with Trevor.

Reports from a few years back revealed Trevor's million-dollar book deal to expose details about Megan, describing their time together as tumultuous.

Following their divorce in 2013, Megan returned her engagement and wedding rings to him.

Trevor's professional background in Hollywood, highlighted by his work on notable projects such as the film ‘Remember Me' and the series ‘Snowfall,' suggests his influence in the industry.

His alleged involvement in a show concept involving shared custody after an ex marries a British royal hints at personal experiences mirroring reality.

Despite claims that the characters were not based on Megan or Trevor, the narrative was inspired by a hypothetical scenario discussed between Engelson and another producer.

The unfolding saga portrays Trevor as a pawn in Megan's pursuit of Hollywood success, suggesting she discarded him when he no longer served her ambitions.

The potential for Trevor to expose Megan's true nature and refute claims made in ‘Finding Freedom' adds a layer of anticipation.

Speculations arise regarding Megan's involvement in disparaging remarks about Trevor's career in the book, fueling curiosity about Trevor's perspective on the matter.

The desire for Trevor to confront the narrative and unveil the reality behind Megan's public persona intensifies, hinting at a brewing storm in the realm of celebrity revelations.

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