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**”Royal Rivalry: The Crown Unveils Queen’s Jealousy Towards Jackie Kennedy”**

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**”Royal Rivalry: The Crown Unveils Queen’s Jealousy Towards Jackie Kennedy”**

A new installment of the hit series, The Crown, delves into the rumored tension between and Jackie Kennedy, suggesting that the Queen harbored jealousy towards the First Lady due to her alleged flirtations with .

The latest season of the Netflix original drama centers around a pivotal moment when Jackie Kennedy's visit reportedly sparked envy in the Queen during a banquet at Buckingham Palace in 1961.

As depicted in the scene, , portrayed by Matt Smith, informs the Queen that Jackie has requested a tour of their residence.

Reacting sharply to her husband's revelation, the Queen asserts her authority by declaring, “It's my house so I'll do it.”

Meanwhile, amidst the social chatter at the banquet, the Prince engages in playful banter with Jackie, inquiring about her astrological sign with a twinkle in his eye.

Rumors swirling around the palace further fuel the Queen's unease, as her equerry, Lord Plunkett, relays disparaging remarks allegedly made by Jackie behind her back.

According to Lord Plunkett, Jackie had branded the Queen as a “middle-aged woman” lacking curiosity, intelligence, and significance, insinuating that Britain's diminished global standing was inevitable.

Additionally, Jackie's critique extended to Buckingham Palace, which she purportedly likened to a subpar, rundown provincial hotel.

While the scene is a product of writer Peter Morgan's imagination, historical accounts suggest a basis for the animosity portrayed.

Notably, renowned photographer Cecil Beaton documented Mrs. Kennedy's disdain for the Queen and her abode, describing her as underwhelmed by the palace's decor and the Queen's fashion sense.

Other sources, including writer Gore Vidal, echoed Jackie's sentiments of feeling misunderstood and resented by the Queen.

The narrative unfolds with Jackie seeking a private audience with the Queen following the exposure of her derogatory comments.

Blaming her remarks on medication prescribed by her doctor, Jackie expresses regret over her words, dismissing them as foolish.

The subsequent portrayal of the Queen's triumphant visit to Ghana in 1961 serves as a symbolic rebuttal to Jackie's criticisms, showcasing her resilience in the face of adversity.

The critically acclaimed Netflix series, characterized by its exploration of the Queen's internal struggles, has not shied away from controversy.

By revisiting speculations of Prince Philip's alleged infidelities, the latest season hints at underlying tensions within the royal marriage.

Creator Peter Morgan underscores the theme of marital discord, portraying the Prince as a seasoned flirt whose interactions with Jackie Kennedy contribute to the strained dynamics between the Queen and her American counterpart.

Amidst the political backdrop of President Kennedy's term and tragic assassination, the series navigates the complexities of the Queen's public persona versus her private struggles.

The strained relationship between the Queen and Jackie Kennedy unfolds against the backdrop of societal expectations and personal vulnerabilities, highlighting the intersecting pressures faced by both women.

Despite their initial discord, a surprising bond emerges between the Queen and Jackie as they bond over shared experiences of introversion amidst public scrutiny.

Their mutual appreciation for nature and animals fosters a connection that transcends their initial misgivings, culminating in a moment of empathy and understanding amidst personal and political turmoil.

As the series delves into the nuances of power, privilege, and personal relationships, viewers are invited to witness the human complexities behind the regal facade.

The evolving dynamics between the Queen, Prince Philip, and Jackie Kennedy serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of reputation and the enduring quest for authenticity in the face of adversity.

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