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Prince William, Kate, and Children Retreat to Country Home Ahead of Tier 4 Lockdown Announcement

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Prince William, Kate, and Children Retreat to Country Home Ahead of Tier 4 Lockdown Announcement

Amidst the looming announcement of tier 4 lockdown restrictions, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a strategic move by departing London with their three young children.

and his wife, Kate, opted to take Prince George, , and to their tranquil country abode, Anmer Hall in Norfolk.

This decision came after the children's school term ended the previous week, signaling the beginning of their secluded Christmas break as a family unit.

Prior to the enforcement of the latest stringent measures by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the royal couple chose to spend the festive season in seclusion at their country retreat.

The Queen had earlier conveyed to her family members, at the conclusion of the November lockdown, about her decision to forgo the traditional Royal Christmas festivities at Sandringham.

This was in compliance with the restrictions limiting gatherings to a maximum of three households.

Her Majesty emphasized that she did not wish to impose any obligation on her family to visit her during the holiday period, considering her prolonged isolation at Windsor Castle alongside since March.

In a gesture of solidarity with the public health efforts, the Monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh expressed their willingness to receive the Covid-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them.

A source close to the royal family revealed that and Kate had been eager to escape the bustling city life of London for a well-deserved Christmas respite.

Their plans for a quiet holiday remained steadfast, unaffected by the newly imposed restrictions, as they, like many others, yearned for an end to the pandemic and anticipated brighter days ahead when gatherings with loved ones would be possible.

The recent announcement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson effectively canceled Christmas celebrations for millions residing in London and South East England, who are now subjected to the stringent tier 4 regulations.

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