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**Royal Scandal Unveiled: Megan Markle’s Alleged Affairs with Hockey Players**

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**Royal Scandal Unveiled: Megan Markle’s Alleged Affairs with Hockey Players**

The scandal surrounding continues to unravel as details of her past relationships come to light.

Speculations about her alleged affairs with hockey players have surfaced, shedding new light on her tumultuous history.

One particular incident involving Peter Holland, a hockey player, has sparked controversy and raised questions about the Duchess of Sussex's past behavior.

It all started with a series of tweets exchanged between Megan Markle and Peter Holland back in November 2013.

Holland publicly expressed his surprise upon discovering Markle's marital status, hinting at a possible romantic connection between them.

Despite being married to Trevor, Markle's interactions with Holland on Twitter hinted at a flirtatious relationship.

In one tweet, Markle hinted at a strained friendship with Holland, seeking his assistance while expressing her frustrations.

Holland, in response, offered to pick her up from the airport, suggesting a level of familiarity between them.

The exchange raised eyebrows among fans and followers, with some speculating about the nature of their relationship.

The online community, particularly the Sussex Squad page, weighed in on the interaction, highlighting Markle's preference for kindness in a man.

The recycled phrase from an engagement interview further fueled speculation about Markle's intentions and character.

Despite the public scrutiny, all tweets related to the exchange remain accessible on Holland's Twitter account.

Further revelations about Markle's past emerged, indicating a pattern of behavior characterized by alleged affairs with hockey players.

Descriptions of Markle as a “Puck Bunny,” a term used to refer to female ice hockey fans with a romantic interest in players, added a new dimension to the unfolding scandal.

Reports suggest that Markle had relationships with multiple players, raising questions about her motives and reputation.

The revelations have cast a shadow over Markle's previous marriage to Trevor Engelson, her film director husband.

Reports of her involvement with Michael Del Zotto, another hockey player, during her marriage to Engelson have surfaced, painting a complex picture of her personal life.

Social media posts and interactions with Del Zotto hinted at a close relationship, leading to speculation about the nature of their bond.

Despite Markle's subsequent divorce from Engelson, her interactions with Del Zotto continued, with visits and public declarations of admiration.

The fallout from her divorce left Engelson devastated, with reports suggesting that Markle's priorities had shifted away from their relationship.

Markle's efforts to distance herself from her past relationships through social media cleanup further underscored the complexities of her personal history.

As the scandal unfolds, Markle's past indiscretions and alleged affairs have come under intense scrutiny, raising questions about her character and integrity.

The royal family's awareness of her past and their cautious approach to her relationship with suggest a deeper layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative.

Markle's past actions and relationships continue to shape public perception, with more revelations expected to emerge in the future.

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