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Prince Harry’s UN Speech Allegedly Aimed at Promoting Netflix Projects

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Prince Harry’s UN Speech Allegedly Aimed at Promoting Netflix Projects

's recent speech at the United Nations headquarters in New York City has sparked speculation about his intentions behind the appearance.

According to royal biographer Tom Bauer, who discussed the matter with talk TV host Piers Morgan, the Duke's speech was primarily aimed at boosting his profile and promoting future projects with Netflix.

Bauer's upcoming book, “Revenge, Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors,” set to be released on July 21, delves into the dynamics surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

During the interview, Bauer emphasized that Harry and Meghan's endeavors are intricately linked to a forthcoming documentary series.

He explained to Piers that the couple's activities revolve around enhancing their public image and securing financial backing, particularly from platforms like Netflix.

Bauer highlighted the strategic nature of their appearances and engagements, emphasizing the underlying motive of promoting the Sussexes through various media ventures.

In response to Piers' query about the UN's choice to involve individuals like , Bauer expressed skepticism, noting the sparsely filled auditorium during the event.

He criticized what he perceived as a superficial engagement by Harry, contrasting it with the legacy of Nelson Mandela and the unaddressed challenges faced by South Africa.

Bauer raised concerns about the disconnect between Harry's affluent lifestyle in Montecito and the pressing issues affecting various regions, suggesting a lack of genuine engagement with global issues.

Since establishing their production company, Meghan and Harry secured a lucrative deal with Netflix reportedly valued at $100 million.

However, questions have arisen regarding the utilization of these funds and the couple's actual earnings from the partnership.

Despite the substantial figure associated with the deal, industry experts speculate that the initial payment received by the royal couple was considerably less than the reported amount.

Insights from a TV and film consultant in Los Angeles shed light on the intricacies of such agreements, highlighting that the $100 million figure encompasses various aspects of production costs and potential profits for Netflix.

The consultant explained that while the deal may appear substantial, the actual disbursement of funds is contingent upon project development and execution.

Factors such as production budgets, fees for creative roles, and potential bonuses could impact the final payout received by Meghan and Harry.

Furthermore, reports suggest that Netflix has been granted behind-the-scenes access to the couple's Montecito residence, capturing moments from their public engagements and personal interactions.

Camera crews have accompanied Prince Harry and Meghan during significant events, including their visit to the Netherlands for the Invictus Games, providing viewers with exclusive glimpses into their lives and activities.

This strategic collaboration with Netflix underscores the couple's efforts to leverage their platform for both entertainment and advocacy purposes, aligning with their broader vision for social impact and storytelling.

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