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**Queen Elizabeth II Bids Farewell to Prince Philip in Emotional Funeral Ceremony**

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**Queen Elizabeth II Bids Farewell to Prince Philip in Emotional Funeral Ceremony**

II was seen wiping away tears as she mourned alone in St. George's Chapel during the funeral of her husband, , at Windsor Castle.

The Queen bid her emotional final goodbye to her partner of 73 years, displaying a grief-stricken expression and bowing her head in reverence as she accompanied Philip's coffin on its final journey.

Their eldest son, Prince Charles, was visibly emotional as he walked behind the casket into the church, followed by other devastated members of the royal family.

The Duke of Edinburgh's casket, adorned with his personal standard, was carried along with his sword, naval cap, and a wreath of flowers by pallbearers.

The procession took place in the castle-packed quadrangle, surrounded by hundreds of armed personnel.

Following an eight-minute procession and a 50-minute service, Philip's coffin was lowered into the royal vault.

A lament was played by a lone piper from the Royal Regiment of Scotland, followed by the haunting sound of the last post by buglers from Philip's beloved Royal Marines.

The buglers then played “Action Stations” at the specific request of the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, delivered the blessing before the 30 royal mourners silently exited the church to return to the castle.

and chose to walk back alongside Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, engaging in smiles and animated conversation as they were reunited for the first time in a year, during which their relationship had become strained.

The Queen arrived at the funeral as the national anthem played, stopping next to her late husband's coffin for a moment of reflection as cannons fired and bells tolled in remembrance of .

Her Majesty was then driven to St. George's Chapel accompanied by a lady-in-waiting, where she sat alone at the front of the church.

She stood solemnly and bowed her head during the National Minute's silence.

The Royal Procession followed behind the coffin, led by Prince Charles, , , and .

The grandchildren, including and , walked behind, with Peter Phillips positioned between the feuding brothers.

Prince William entered the chapel one place ahead of Prince Harry, and the mourners filed into the historic Gothic building without exchanging words.

However, they later engaged in conversation as they made their way back to the castle.

The Queen had made the decision that no royals should wear military uniform, following Prince Andrew's request to dress as an admiral and Prince Harry being stripped of his titles.

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