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**Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Stir Controversy by Accepting Prestigious Award**

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**Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Stir Controversy by Accepting Prestigious Award**

and 's recent decision to accept the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award has sparked intense debate and criticism, with royal commentator Jenny Bond labeling it as a bold move.

The award was bestowed upon the Sussexes in recognition of their vocal stance against structural racism within the monarchy, a sentiment echoed by Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Mr. Kennedy and president of the association.

However, Miss Bond expressed her disapproval, suggesting that by accepting the award, the Sussexes are further provoking the royal establishment and asserting that Meghan was subjected to racism.

She condemned their actions as hurtful and presumptuous, casting doubt on the existence of systemic racism within the royal family.

The public accusation made by the Sussexes through their acceptance of the award has been perceived as a significant affront to the monarchy, according to Jenny Bond.

She emphasized the audacity displayed by the couple in embracing the accolade, questioning whether they should have declined it given the circumstances.

The contentious nature of the situation has left many pondering the appropriateness of their actions, leading to a sense of sadness among observers.

Benjamin Smallbrook, a commentator on Quora, highlighted the delicate position Harry finds himself in, with implications for his potential return to the royal fold and the conflicting expectations placed upon him.

In response to inquiries about the Sussexes' attendance at the upcoming award ceremony on December 6th, the organizers remained non-committal, stating that they could not guarantee the presence of any laureate.

Speculation surrounding Harry's participation has been fueled by rumors of discord and reluctance on his part, as suggested by sources such as Secondhand coke on Quora.

The prospect of Harry skipping the event has raised questions about his relationship with Meghan and his strategic decisions regarding his ties to the royal family.

Critics have speculated on the motivations behind the Sussexes' acceptance of the award, with some viewing it as a deliberate attempt to overshadow the Prince and Princess of Wales during their visit to Boston.

This perception has led to accusations of attention-seeking behavior and self-promotion on the part of the Sussexes, contrasting sharply with the traditional values of service and humility associated with the royal family.

The perceived clash between the Earthshot event hosted by the Wales' and the Ripple of Hope Awards has further fueled debates about the Sussexes' intentions and their standing within the royal hierarchy.

Amidst the controversy surrounding the award, voices of dissent have emerged, questioning the wisdom of bestowing such honors upon Meghan and Harry. on Quora expressed skepticism towards the decision, characterizing it as misguided and likely to generate internal strife within the Kennedy family.

The perceived lack of merit in granting the award to the Sussexes has raised doubts about the integrity and judgment of the awarding body, casting a shadow over the event and its significance.

The contrasting reactions from different quarters underscore the polarizing effect of the Sussexes' actions and the broader implications for their public image and relationships within the royal sphere.

As the date of the award ceremony approaches, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on and , with their acceptance of the prestigious honor continuing to fuel debates and speculation.

The unfolding drama surrounding their decision underscores the complex dynamics at play within the royal family and the wider public perception of their actions.

Amidst conflicting opinions and shifting allegiances, the Sussexes find themselves at the center of a storm of controversy, with the repercussions of their choices reverberating far beyond the confines of the royal court.

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