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**Meghan and Harry’s Luxury Lifestyle in Montecito: Former Employees Speak Out**

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**Meghan and Harry’s Luxury Lifestyle in Montecito: Former Employees Speak Out**

Former employees of and have come forward with shocking revelations about their time working for the royal couple at their luxurious villa in Montecito.

Tweets from user iSourceNews on Twitter have shed light on the alleged appalling behavior of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex towards their staff.

According to ex-employees, Harry has been described as a complete slob, with multiple former cleaners recounting nightmarish experiences of working in the couple's residence.

The maids reveal that Harry never bothered to clean up after himself, leaving messes behind, including unflushed toilets and beard clippings scattered everywhere.

The conditions in the Montecito villa were reportedly so bad that if food was dropped or spilled, it would be left for the staff to clean up.

One former maid recalled finding a broken bowl of pasta with red meat sauce splattered against the kitchen wall, painting a grim picture of the couple's living habits.

The Sussexes have earned the reputation of being “horrible bosses from hell” due to their extreme rules and demands on their employees.

Star magazine reported that former staff members were left traumatized by their experience working for Harry and Meghan, vowing never to return to Montecito.

In an effort to ensure the utmost security and privacy, Harry and Meghan reportedly hire a special agent akin to the FBI to conduct thorough background checks on potential hires.

The screening process is said to be meticulous, delving into every aspect of the candidates' personal lives, including family background, spending habits, and even the number of credit cards they possess.

Despite the high number of applicants eager to work for the royal couple, only a mere 1% successfully pass the rigorous screening process.

Those who are offered a position are presented with a detailed contract filled with intricate clauses that even licensed attorneys find challenging to decipher.

One of the most common complaints among former employees is Meghan's alleged harsh demeanor and strict demands.

Nicknamed the “Wicked Witch of the West Coast” behind her back, Meghan is said to micromanage every aspect of her staff's duties, from the placement of kitchen items to the coordination of colors in the household.

Rumors of Meghan's difficult behavior date back to her time in the British royal family, with reports of multiple staff members resigning within a short period.

Speculation has arisen that Meghan's stringent requirements and demanding nature may have contributed to the high turnover rate among their employees.

The revelations from former employees paint a stark contrast to the glamorous image often portrayed by and in the media.

As more details emerge about the couple's alleged treatment of their staff, questions arise about the true nature of their relationship with those who work behind the scenes to maintain their lavish lifestyle in Montecito.

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